picture of homeschool representative, Diana

Finding Purpose on the Path:

Pointing our Children to Christ

I have written every article on this website to encourage parents to use homeschooling as a means to point their children to Christ. Let’s capture the opportunities God gives us for discipling. I want to come alongside you on the days that are long because I’ve learned that the years truly are short. It is my desire that you will find the suggestions are useful, the resources are valuable, and the reminders of our Hope make the homeschool journey a little more joyful.

Are you just beginning your homeschool trek? Are you incredibly overwhelmed–not sure how to take that first step? Or maybe you’ve been forging ahead as a homeschool parent, but the delight of this endeavor has faded. There is little satisfaction. Disappointment has a way of barking at our heels.

Twenty years ago, I knew nothing about homeschooling or discipling children. Nothing. I can now see the abundant opportunities God gave my husband and me, simply because we desired to follow Him. God is so much bigger than our inabilities. Let’s not sell Him short with a spirit of fear. Rather, as believers, let’s be assured that His purposes for us are good and perfect.

The path might have unexpected turns. Our best efforts will fail. But God desires to work in us, and through us. This gives Him the glory. The times of trials are within His purpose for our lives.

How Our Homeschool Trek Began

Our girls started their formal education in a private, Christian school. Many from our church had attended there, and it was highly recommended. After we had our son, we realized we could not afford to continue this. The tuition bill was going to be more than our mortgage payment.

Although my husband and I had both attended public schools growing up, we didn’t believe that this was a good option for our children. But homeschooling didn’t sound all that glamorous either. Private school was much more appealing to me. It was a lot shinier. Eventually, I allowed God to work on my heart, and I was convicted of my pride. I jumped into homeschooling wholeheartedly and bought the proverbial homeschool t-shirt. I was ready to “own it.”

A Little More About Us

We have five children: three young adults and and two littles. Two of our adult children are in college, and one is in the Marines. We are starting a second season of homeschooling with our youngest girls. We are all still learning. On the random side. . . . Mountain Dew is my “coffee” (all day long). I refuse to try sweet potatoes even though my husband is sure I’ll love them. Should potatoes really be orange? Spring is my favorite season–I love to grow things. In college, I joined a rugby team before I actually knew what it was. The week before I got married, I backed my car into my husband’s car—while watching him get on his motorcycle. Not my fault. We’ve now been married for almost thirty years.

While homeschooling for the past fifteen years, I have taught all the grades from kindergarten through twelfth. As a board member for a local homeschool support group, and a representative for my state’s homeschool organization, I have assisted families in all the various stages of homeschooling. At the church where my husband and I have attended for twenty years, I serve in various ways, but primarily in children’s ministries. Our church family has been a tremendous blessing. I am so glad for how God planted us there. Our brothers and sisters in Christ have helped us to grow significantly in our love for God.

The Big Idea – from a Seasoned Homeschool Mom

Homeschooling hasn’t been easy. It’s been a bit unpleasant at times. The journey continues to be a process of sanctification for me. I (somewhat hesitantly) hope it continues to challenge me. It’s a good thing to be growing in the Lord (albeit painful at times). Let our hearts not become hardened to the work God is doing in us. Let us continue to seek His best for our children. I am confident that God is pleased with our desire to teach our children to follow Him.

Let us encourage one another to use homeschooling as a means of discipling our children—so that they might also know Him and love Him. If we keep our focus on the reason why we homeschool, the challenges won’t so easily hinder us. I especially want to be a support for other moms who know that we have so little to offer in our own wisdom. So we seek the promises of God and His best for our families. He is mighty in power!

signature of "Diana"