A Survey of the Bible Study, Seamless

In this review of the Bible study, Seamless, I share how the book impacted my life during the COVID-19 pandemic.  I describe how I worked through the study, and offer my two cents on the way it was written.  I also explain how the author, Angie Smith, prompts us to find satisfaction in Bible study.

Seamless book by Angie Smith

For many years, I’ve participated in a ladies’ Bible study at my church. Every summer, our dear group leader prayerfully contemplates what book we will begin studying in the fall. A couple of ladies in our group highly recommended the Bible study, Seamless, by Angie Smith. After a thorough review by our leader, she gave it the green light. The book is a seven-week study. We actually spread it out over seven months (yep!) on Wednesday evenings.

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In our weekly gatherings, we dug deep as we contemplated Angie’s observations.  We mulled over God’s Word and considered its application to our various trials.  More than once, we pondered the sweet Scripture offering God’s gift of salvation.  We often carried each other’s burdens while praying (and sometimes crying) for one another.  (If you cry, I’ll cry—I can’t help it!)  For me, all of this made our study a treasured time.

My (Sometimes Feeble) Personal Bible Study

Over the years, on many Wednesday evenings, I kept my study book tucked up close to me—because my lesson assignments were untouched.  (A hefty purse sitting on the table helps with the hiding.)  Other pursuits frequently won the battle for my time.  The demands of motherhood can convince us that Bible study isn’t feasible.  But God—He gives us grace.  And He gives us brothers and sisters in Christ who urge us to become more devoted followers. 

I think I completed every lesson this year (a seven-week study spread out over seven months isn’t asking too much!).  It helped that God had worked a quiet time into my daily routine.  There were four days of the week that I sat in my Chrysler Pacifica while my son attended a class.  I had no excuses!  And I looked forward to considering Angie’s musings for each of the books of the Bible. 

My Two Cents on Why Seamless Was Written

In her Session One video, Angie humbly shares what prompted her to write Seamless.  She became a believer as a young adult and felt discouraged as she stumbled through Bible studies.  She wanted to know God better but struggled to grasp a clear picture of the Bible as a whole.  Seamless seems to be an outflow of Angie’s sincere desire to encourage all women that Bible study is attainable.  Something every woman can do, and love.  She communicates with a down-to-earth, you’ve-got-this tone.  Her book showcases the beautiful tapestry of the Bible in a way that offers inspiration for both mature and new believers.

My Two Cents on How Seamless Was Written

Angie surveys each of the Bible books in chronological order.  For example: from Genesis, she goes to Job and then back to Genesis, before moving on to Exodus.  To help the reader grasp the myriad of details, Angie assigned (adorably pink) icons to all of the major themes she covered.  The inside of the back cover illustrates all thirty icons laid out along a thread.  This provides an overview of everything in the Bible study.  It would also make a delightful collage to hang on a wall (hint hint, Angie Smith!).

Throughout the book, Angie has provided helpful charts, maps, lists, and side notes that summarize information.  She has highlighted key ideas throughout the material.  Each of the sixty-six books of the Bible is also summed up in a short phrase.  I appreciated having all these helps to review as I studied.

Angie’s frequent interjections of humor keep the book warm and friendly.  (I imagine that she and her husband are one of those couples that spend a lot of time laughing!)  There were a few instances when her sarcasm was a little too sharp for me (but hey, she tells us at the onset that the book’s not perfect!).  Our group leader noted again and again that the study is an overview.  Some of the books of the Bible are covered at lightning speed, and this occasionally made us wince.  But there is value in showcasing the overarching storyline of the Bible.  It’s a worthy pursuit: to gaze at the big picture of God’s plan and appreciate how all of the pieces so beautifully fit together.

The Seamless Study Methods

The study is laid out in a way that makes it very doable.  Each week begins with a review.  Then a video session is assigned along with some questions for discussion.  Lastly, five days of (bite-size) study present new material.  As a side note, our group watched all of the seven videos during our meetings.  While they bring a fresh dynamic to the Bible study, I wouldn’t say they are necessary.  The meat of the study is in the book.

Exercises are assigned throughout the lessons.  This helps to keep the reader engaged.  (Spoiler alert: Angie frequently provides the answers right after she asks the questions.  It’s a very user-friendly study!).  Follow-up questions, fill-in-the-blank activities, and your own written summations aid with Scripture study.  We completed a chart about the four gospels as we considered their intended audiences and their main messages.  We wrote out the names of the sons of Jacob (by each of the four women) and considered how they formed the twelve tribes of Israel. (Did you know there were four women?)  Angie implemented a wide variety of study methods.  These tools assist the reader in achieving a deeper understanding of the material.

God’s Seamless Sovereignty in the Midst of COVID-19

During our year of study, the COVID-19 pandemic began.  We completed about five months of (Wednesday night) study before we transitioned to meeting on Zoom.  When we had our last meeting of the year, we were able to physically gather together for the first time in about three months.  We were a little bit giddy! 

But we had just as many attending our Zoom meetings as we had attending class before the pandemic.  Some casual attendees had become more regular.  We even had a visitor join our group while we were meeting on Zoom.  She became a faithful attendee.  While fear was a monster knocking at our doors, God used the Seamless study as a treasured reminder of who He is.  He is the Alpha and the Omega. 

He was there at the time of creation. When Joseph was called from prison to interpret the pharaoh’s dreams, it was by God’s perfect timing. As the Israelites wandered for forty years in the desert, God was there. He was there when the temple was rebuilt.

His son was born of a virgin to fulfill His perfect plan. God was there when his only begotten Son hung on the cross. He was there when the early church was persecuted. He brought it all about, in his seamless sovereignty.

Seamless Bible Study thread

While the fear of COVID-19 paralyzed the world, our study in Seamless assured us that God was still there, and He was still sovereign.  He had not changed.  Our circumstances had changed, but God had not.  That truth was especially precious as we wrapped up our Bible study for the year.

God’s Goodness

His story (history) continues.  He is here now.  He will be there in our eternity.  For those who trust in the work of his son, Jesus Christ, on the cross as payment for their sin, there is the blessed assurance of being in his presence forever.

Seamless lays out the beautiful tapestry of God’s work from our beginning to the coming eternity.  This was a gift in God’s perfect timing for our group of ladies.  God is so good to us.  Let us be faithful in remembering his goodness. 

“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

Romans 5:8 (ESV)

Finding Satisfaction in Our Study

Maybe you’re a new believer searching for a study that isn’t too overwhelming?  Or a mature believer who would relish a reminder of God’s work on our behalf throughout history?  Seamless prompts the reader to find satisfaction in Bible study—to do it and love it.

Whether we sit down with the Bible study, Seamless, or we simply sit down with the all-sufficient Word of God, we do well to remember that his Word is a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).  May we be faithful in our pursuit of studying his Word!

Angie has also written a Seamless study for teen girls.  If you have worked through this with a young lady, would you share your thoughts below? (Please and thank you!)

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